Magdalena Żaba

Head of RF Runtime Algorithms R&D

I started my career in Nokia in 2009 as a graduate of Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science at the Silesian University of Technology. It was my first work after graduation and to join Nokia I’ve decided to move to Wroclaw.

When I’ve joined Nokia my team had ambitious task to bring up first Nokia LTE radio. Since then my adventure with telecommunication is a constant challenges and growth. From working in laboratory, first experiences with advanced measurement systems, learning new 5G technology to working with people, building teams, managing complex projects. I’m happy to be part of this fascinating telecommunication technology development. I am currently the leader in the department responsible for development of radio products. In my private life I am a mom of two sons. In my free time I’m either travelling or planning my next travel, cooking, spending my time with family, friends or my dog.