code::dive 2023

Check out this year's summary!

Welcome to Nokia Wroclaw

Every day in Wroclaw we create new technologies to connect the world!

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Let’s meet online!

Safety first! You can participate in fully remote recruitment process.

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The only one like that in the world

Find out more about Nokia's laboratory in Wroclaw.

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5G network

The high-speed mobile network, minimum delays and the ability to use frequency bands not yet utilised

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arrow-left Created with Sketch.
arrow-right Created with Sketch.

Nokia Wrocław Research & Development

In Wroclaw we work to respond to the current needs of the developing world. With us the impossible becomes possible.

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You can work the way you like.

C++, JavaScript, Python, Linux, Eclipse, Jira, C, Linux, SCRUM, Jenkins, Cloud, Machine Learning, Big Data, Django, Oracle, IoT, DevOps, Agile, Testing, MS Power BI, VBA, MS SQL, SVN, Scala, Robot...
You decide!

Meet us.

We share our knowledge. We train. We engage. See what we have prepared for you.

Nokia Garage
Is already open!

Light on the magic of technology!

Visit us here