Nokia laboratories

The broadband access technology would not develop so rapidly, if it was not for the Laboratory of the European Software and Engineering in Wroclaw. The best ideas and projects in this field are born here. You can be their creator, too, since in every laboratory, especially in ours, the most important thing is people.

First of all, people

Billions of users around the world use the services of mobile operators on a daily basis. It is possible thanks to the innovation and experience of people working in Nokia laboratories of Wroclaw branch. We take care of the high working comfort of over 1500 software engineers, integrators and specialists in the field of testing. We have developed the laboratory on the basis of the highest safety standards and care for the environment.

Seconldy, the future

The facility has an area of over 6,000 square meters. This unique European-scale investment, where you can find the latest generation of equipment designed to test system and communications solutions and almost all the mobile telecommunications technology currently available in the world. This is where the ideas are born to determine the future of telecommunications in the years to come. The specialists from Nokia Wroclaw prepare the implementation scenarios and standardization process of LTE technology – Advanced or 5G.

With a mobile in the desert and at the Pole

In the Laboratory of the European Software and Engineering Centre in Wroclaw, you can find, among others, test simulators, base station prototypes, imaging oscilloscopes of signals and the latest generation of radio signal spectrum analysers. This place is also equipped with high-class computing hardware with high power that enables testing of telecommunications equipment in extreme weather conditions thanks to climatic chambers that simulate temperature ranging from -70°C to +180°C.

The only one like that in the world

The invaluable potential of this laboratory is the exceptional people and modern devices. It allows for testing of a wide spectrum of hardware configurations using the developed software, ranging from the functionalities required by customers to the advanced concepts of telecommunications solutions not yet available on the consumer market. In addition, the laboratory in Wroclaw, thanks to its automation environment and remote testing system, is used by other technological centres of Nokia worldwide 24 hours a day.

Laboratorium Europejskiego Centrum Oprogramowania i Inżynierii we Wrocławiu


Over 3 000 km of cables,
6 000 m2
15 basketball courts
8 450 testing devices enclosed in:
1 300 telecommunications cabinets
with a total weight of 1 000 tonnes, which is as much as 6 Jumbo Jets
1 700 BTSs (base stations),
that can cover an area of 19 000 km2, which is as much as the area around the Lower Silesian Voivodeship
The total available transmit power is 600 000 W (base stations),
Compared to the power of an average WiFi router (0,1 W) you get the equivalent of
6 million such devices
The emission of radiation is 7 times lower than the permissible standards
Over 3 000 mobile phones and modems for testing
All Nokia branches around the world have remote access to the resources of the Wroclaw laboratory