Dear Candidates!

We would like to invite you to attend the Online Speed Recruitment event, which will take place on February 24, 2022!

What roles have we prepared this time?

Not to forget about the roles for Working Students:

What is Speed Recruitment?

A series of quick recruitments conducted by our engineers or managers. Each conversation lasts a maximum of 15 minutes. During the meeting, you can expect a few technical questions to verify your knowledge, skills or previous experience. This is an opportunity to speed up the recruitment process and receive an invitation to a full recruitment interview during Speed Recruitment.

Why should you join?

  • You will be able to check if working at Nokia could be something for you.
  • You will meet some of our best engineers.
  • It’s a chance to get straight to a technical interview, without a pre-screening step.
  • Even if you don’t get an invitation for a regular interview, it will be a great opportunity to receive constructive feedback for your further career development.

How to join the event?

Just choose the date that suits you most in the application form: Online Speed Recruitment –  Nokia Wrocław and wait for the e-mail confirmation of the appointment by our recruitment team.