We believe that our technological solutions will be innovative and creative and thus they will improve the quality of human life, making the relationships easier. Our natural partners in this activity are universities.

Business getting closer to the world of science is our main goal of cooperation.

With such unique “know-how”, we want to share our knowledge and  research experience with academics. We want the youth to get to know the technologies we work on every day. The experience of working with several thousand engineers shows that the magic of technology is available to everyone.

Our main areas of cooperation with young people, students and researchers from universities are the following:

  • We run and we are mentors of team projects for the youth and students.
  • We participate in industry conferences
  • We implement joint research and development projects (R & D)
  • We invite students for apprenticeship and internship
  • Our employees are supervisors of dissertations on the part of Nokia (BaSc, MA, PhD)

Many students who participated in the above activities currently belongs to the innovative and international team of Nokia employees.

The representation of Wroclaw Nokia branch in the Honorary Convention of the Wrocław University of Technology or the membership in the Business Council at WSB University in Wroclaw are just two examples of good relations between business and the science world. The world that is pervaded by mutual respect and trust built on a solid foundation.

The science and business have always formed a good connection, so we want to continue this symbiosis in the future.