Nokia has once again been honored by Ethisphere as one of the 2019 World’s Most Ethical Companies in the telecommunications category.

WME 19

This award is given annually by Ethisphere, a leading organization for corporate ethics and compliance, following a rigorous and objective evaluation of the company’s policies, processes, social responsibility, governance, and compliance culture. The World’s Most Ethical Companies® designation honors companies who recognize their critical role to influence and drive positive change in the business community and societies around the world and work to maximize their impact wherever possible.

As there is a growing movement and awareness regarding trust and integrity in today’s businesses, Nokia is pleased to once again be recognized as one of the World’s Most Ethical companies. It has long been part of the Nokia way to treat every business relationship according to the highest ethical standards.

Rajeev SuriPresident and CEO, Nokia

Companies are assessed based upon the Ethisphere Institute’s Ethics Quotient® (EQ) framework, which offers a quantitative way to assess a company’s performance in an objective, consistent and standardized manner. Scores are generated in five key categories: ethics and compliance program (35 percent), corporate citizenship and responsibility (20 percent), culture of ethics (20 percent), governance (15 percent), and leadership, innovation and reputation (10 percent). Ethisphere’ s research indicates that stock of companies that receive this award typically trade at more than a 6% premium, referred to as an “ethics premium.”