Encode yourself to develop

Selected development programs in NOKIA Wrocław

Future Project Managers

A one-year program including a cycle of training, working with a mentor and implementation tasks, preparing for managing your own projects and for the change of role.

Train the Trainers

A cycle of training to develop the skills of creating and conducting technical trainings. This program is for those who like teaching others and sharing knowledge.


A program and a cycle of internal training on Python from the basic to advanced level.

Raw Diamonds

An annual program including a cycle of trainings, implementation tasks and working on a group task for future managers, developing their soft skills such as motivating, delegating or intercultural communication.

Regardless of your participation in the programs, you can also:


  • Participate in retrospectives
  • Participate in pair programming
  • Learn as a part of your daily work from interesting and changing projects
  • Learn from the feedback received on an ongoing basis.
  • Learn and work with Buddy, a dedicated person who will introduce you to the climate of Nokia and your first project tasks -> optional for new employees
  • Attend internal training (without limitation)
  • Temporarily change your job within the framework of the job rotation (from 3 to 6 months, you can change the department within Nokia and work with other technology, on another project)
  • Use the e-learning platform (e.g. on Skillsoft platform you can find more than 3000 e-books, webinars and training in the form of eLearning in the  field of IT, business or social science)
  • Read books in the traditional way from internal department libraries or from Safari platform
  • Participate and be a speaker at code::dive or test::dive conferences organized by Nokia Wroclaw and Nokia Cracov
  • Work with a mentor – an experienced person – in the area of your interest
  • A separate section-> Participate in expert meetings as well as conduct them (Machine Learning Guild, Test Automation Community, Project Managers Guild)
  • Train others, consolidate and develop your knowledge as an internal coach (for example by conducting technical training for those interested in working for Nokia as a part of NokiaAcademy)
  • Teach others as a teacher for example lecturing at the Wroclaw University of Technology or Wroclaw School of Banking
  • Do your own research within your doctoral degree
  • Write articles for industry magazines and for the authorial book of Nokia – Nokia Book

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