On the 20th of October all interested people could visit spaces normally unavailable to wide audience – laboratories. All due to the fourth edition of the Night of Laboratories organized by Nokia Wroclaw Technology Center . Also Wrocław’s universities, companies, governmental institutes and academia become partners on this event by opening the door to their research labs.

The Night of Laboratories is the first such event both in Wroclaw, Poland and Europe. As part of the Night of Laboratories, Wroclaw companies and organizations invite residents of the capital of Lower Silesia to explore the spaces that are used on an everyday basis to work on cutting-edge solutions, in the areas of technology, chemistry, biology and other fields of science.


The fourth edition of the Night of Laboratories was a collaborative effort between 18 partners from different sectors, who opened their labs to the public. The event, originating with and organized by Nokia, aims to show innovation and scientific potential of Wroclaw labs, regardless of their scope of business. The fourth edition was met with great interest among the visitors. Over 3,000 people took the tour. Altogether, a total of over 35 laboratories conducted as many as 88 unforgettable workshops and dozens different types of presentations.

This year, for the first time we have provided the visitors to Nokia Garage, where we presented our most interesting demos, including: 5G, NetAct, Face recognition system or V2X Platooning – Demo showcases the benefits of Car-to-Car communication for automated vehicles in highway scenario. Guests could also find out what is the Faraday cage, how a cell phone is built and learn how to pre-sold solder chips.